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Top Seven Stress Busters for Students

39 Hope Quotes for a Little Inspiration and Faith When You Need It ...

The Coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown, imposed by the government to stop it from spreading, has caused all schools, colleges and even coaching institutes to shut down temporarily.  This has created unavoidable distress and disruption in the studies of students from pre-primary to post graduation level. All students, especially of classes  10th, 11th and 12th have been  worst hit because of the dilemma they are facing due to multiple  reasons.

Here are top 7 stressors and solutions:

Let’s discuss them in a little detail to understand as well as how to manage them.

1)   Stuck in a different city away from family

If you were among lakhs of students stuck away from home, then you faced the pain, problems and agony for which no one prepared you. The problems were many and not ending soon - from limited access to hygenic food, to short supply of money & supplies, isolation, rudeness of landlords, to count only a few. Eventually transportations were arranged and hopefully you are back in the safety of your homes. This was a BIG stressor. The horrible experiences of those days may still be affecting you and your studies.

You can overcome this stress, anxiety and trauma following any and all of these:

     Do regular meditation and stay positive

     Take healthy and light food

     Sleep properly and on time  - do not stay awake late

     Listen to light music

     Play indoor and games

     Start Tray-gardening, Bonsai - make home environment friendly & positive

     Help parents in housekeeping

     Learning how to cook will be the most important skill moving forward

     Read books & articles online, beyond your subject, to stay sharp and focused

     And friends! Who can live without them?

     Start with easy and familiar topics

     Gradually speed things up.

2)   What will happen of remaining Boards Exams

Boards Exams are important and already a big stressor. New dimensions of uncertainty and safety are also added to them. The CBSE and State Boards plan to resume them with proper care & safety measures to save your academic year.

Personal safety is paramount. Take all measures suggested by the Government while taking exams.

     Wear masks  & gloves

     Use tissues and a poly bag to collect your waste

     Keep sanitizer handy

     Take your own water bottle and snack

     Avoid groups when you visit the exam centre.

     Install and use the Arogya Setu App

3)   Missing physical socialising

Friends are the reason why most of you joined a particular school or coaching institute or will join a University. They make us laugh . Complete our assignments . Understand our problems. Discuss our plans . And help vent out frustrations . Friends are always with us ! Just that, we cannot hangout or party. Can’t roam around or grab a bite. Shake hands or hug or high-five. Play cricket or football with them.

     Zoom, Facetime are great ways to stay connected.

     Make sure you check in on them - Keep the morale of the group in high spirits.

     Do gup-shup - crack silly jokes, play pranks on them

     Share your experiences, problems and learnings

     Plan a time and get together.

     Celebrate “Lockdown Birthdays” - come together and plan a nice surprise

     Dress up, dance for them

     Make some videos or photo collage

     Everyone likes to feel special.

     Make it an unforgettable one!

4)   Preparing for entrance exams

JEE-Mains and Advanced, NEET, CLAT, etc are now scheduled for July 3rd week. Your preparations for them have taken a back seat for a while. You might not have access to teachers, books, notes and mock tests. Results are uncertain. Preparations incomplete.

We can’t control or correct these situations. But we can certainly control how we react to them and what we make of them.

Your preparations throughout the year, your determination, and confidence will see you through these tough times. Remember, tough times don’t last, tough people do!

     Coaching Institutes have started online Zoom sessions - join them.

     Enroll using the Institute’s Mobile Apps

     Contact School teachers and seniors

     Look for online tutorials on YouTube, Coursera, Udemy

     Practise with online mock test series

     Prepare and never blame yourselves - a single result can never define you!

5)   University admissions

University life is a dream world away from restrictions of teachers and parents. Here you would take first-hand lessons in freedom, make your own decisions, and accepting responsibility.

You might not get to enjoy canteens, sports/cultural fests, outings, freshers/farewell parties at least for this year. Universities will rush to cover the lost time. Social distancing has to be followed as well.

Nevertheless, seek good Universities, including private and self-financed ones, where quality education is assured. Some institutes are providing the best online education to their students and connecting with them at a personal level.

     Look for regulatory approvals, affiliations and accreditations

     Check the University website for contact details and course details

     Connect with Admissions Cell and Counsellors. Let them hear your doubts. Help them guide you through many possibilities. Have an open interaction:

     Write an email

     Call their counsellors

     Chat using WhatsApp and online chat

     Download their Apps

     Connect using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

     Attend their Live Zoom sessions to clear doubts

     Apply online and complete the admissions process

     Check reviews from existing students at these Universities.

6)   Physical Fitness & Personal Hygiene

A healthy and sharp mind resides only in a healthy and fit body. Long immobility of the body results in secretion of stress and depression hormones. All the amazing dishes we have been cooking lately are going to make us look like one giant pumpkin by the end of this lockdown! It’s really good to stay active, especially now. So don’t be a couch potato:

     Make a routine and dedicate 30-60 minutes every day for physical fitness

     Give and accept fitness challenges to/from friends

     Maintain good personal hygiene – Godliness is next to Cleanliness

     Set a weekly target of achieving personal fitness goals - start small

     It’s important to keep our immunity strong and metabolism high - Do Yoga

     Yoga also helps in relaxation of body and mind

     Enroll for online live zumba or samba classes

     Walk or Jog on your terrace or verandah

     Have a light, regular and healthy diet to keep fit

     Sleep well

7)   Screen Addiction's effects on health

Online is the new normal. Parents can’t complain anymore about you being online for long. Remember, using the gadget for studies and some entertainment is ok. But too much usage for long periods has its own set of troubles - stiff neck, stiff wrists, swollen thumbs, jamming of fingers, dryness in eyes.

Long usage also results in too many distractions. Avoid them. Social media is the super spreader of hoaxes, fake news and conspiracy theories adding to our stress levels.

     Take breaks every 10-15 minutes

     Regularly do exercise for neck, hands, fingers, feet and eyes

     Better to avoid unverified information and news

     Be positive and trust the government sources

     Don’t indulge too much in what is out there

     Keep the news limited and to the point

So we hope that you all are safe, with your families, enjoying the closeness. Prepare yourselves for a new world never seen before. Using the hope & determination as the lever and preparations & safety measures as fulcrum, you can literally move worlds! We are all in this together. We will come out of it stronger and better!

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear hardship today.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh, Global Zen Master


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