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Showing posts from March, 2016

Money Management 101 for Students

Hello young friends. the title of this post may seem out of sync with your realities and current priorities, but let me have the opportunity to prove otherwise. Money, as we know, turns the keys and moves the levers - it is important and a necessary tool to get many things that give us pride, joy, comfort and upgrades in life. Money helps us to get education, get best medical attention when we fall sick, enables us to throw parties and have pizzas and watch movies with family and friends. So it is central to almost everything we do. And you know what, it is the prime reason that most of you have chosen a professional course over the more traditional ones. So, lets first make up our minds that it is a necessary thing to have. Like it is famously said that         "it is better to suffer with lots of cash in hand than without it." At least we get to choose our many of the sufferings!!! :) I am not a very successful person when it comes to measuring success with the ba

On the Couch, Jan-2016 (Notes on Memo by Howard Marks, Oaktree Capital Management)

On the Couch, Jan-2016 Notes on Memo by Howard Marks, Oaktree Capital Management By Mudit Khetan, Jaipur ------------------- This is only a humble first attempt to distill the knowledge of the greats with MY OWN perspective. It's not a commentary on the Memo or the great Marks, BUT ON HOW I TRY TO [OR AM LEARNING] to think and understand things. The phrases/sentences in [] are my own. Many sentences are incomplete and are taken from a bigger one to drive home the larger point. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. ------------------ NOTES [Markets] On the Couch, Jan-2016 - [Understanding the psychology of the markets as a shrink] Professor Richard Thaler of Univ. of Chicago is a leading expert on behavioral-economics and decision-making. He opens his new book 'Misbehaving', with Vilfredo Pareto's aasertion taht "the foundation of political economy and, in genera, of every social science is, evidently psychology." I'd apply that equa