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Showing posts with the label neck


Prolonged use of PC or laptops can cause serious problems to the human body which develop over a long period of time and hence are more susceptible to be ignored or confused with something else. I have been a computer user for last 10 or 12 years and have faced some of these problems myself. luckily, someone told me to follow a few simple and very effective things/practices that have helped not only to mitigate the risks but also reverse the damage done to a great extent. I share these tips in a supposedly blog because i feel that it is the right place to put these things in perspective. Usually a PC user is involved deeply in whatever s/he is doing - programming, blogging, reading, searching, playing video/music, etc - and doesn't listen to the nature's calls. DO listen to them and urinate every 60 to 90 minutes to release the pressure from the bladder. Drink water - say 2-3 gulps every 10 minutes or better 1 glass (200 to 300 ml) every half an hour. It will help in