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Showing posts from June, 2020

The ABC of Success

Associate With The Best When you join forces with the best you learn with them. The collective IQ of the team increases gradually. The collective outcomes of the team is much more than the sum of individual outcomes. Be Prepared When you plan ahead you can prepare. The plan should not only consider the rosy picture, but also provide for contingencies. The more you perspire in peace the less you bleed in war . Cultivate Strong Work-culture An ethical work-culture, where everyone is self-disciplined and self-motivated, is the best catalyst for growth. Professionalism is cultivated and everyone has to contribute towards it. Even if you are alone, maintain a professional attitude with clients and vendors. Dedication To Goal Perseverance or dedication to goal is the one that sets winners apart from losers. The famous tale of Tortoise and Hare, Slow And Steady Wins The Race , tells us that not the most skilled or the most talented person, but the most dedicated will stay focuse

Be Creative, Study Smart, Save Time

7 Days 168 Hours 10,080 Minutes That’s the amount of time we all have per week. Still, do you encounter time shortages while preparing for exams? Does time slip away, and your revision is not complete? Have you struggled with time management ? Are you jealous of that friend who can study & score, while participating in sports and dramatics? The problem is your strategy. You focus on time spent with books rather than the outcomes. Therefore, what you understand , retain and finally recall reduces at each stage. Decades of research on learning , neurosciences , psychology and cognitive sciences has resulted in smart hacks. These hacks can simplify your learning and give you better results. Find Relationships & Patterns Anything worth learning always builds on something simple. Every new study starts on the foundations of existing study. Find that foundation , understand it. Relate it to new ideas. Find patterns . There are always patterns. Once you get one, you’ll get