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Be Creative, Study Smart, Save Time

7 Days

168 Hours

10,080 Minutes

That’s the amount of time we all have per week. Still, do you encounter time shortages while preparing for exams? Does time slip away, and your revision is not complete? Have you struggled with time management? Are you jealous of that friend who can study & score, while participating in sports and dramatics?

The problem is your strategy. You focus on time spent with books rather than the outcomes. Therefore, what you understand, retain and finally recall reduces at each stage. Decades of research on learning, neurosciences, psychology and cognitive sciences has resulted in smart hacks. These hacks can simplify your learning and give you better results.

Find Relationships & Patterns

Anything worth learning always builds on something simple. Every new study starts on the foundations of existing study. Find that foundation, understand it. Relate it to new ideas. Find patterns. There are always patterns. Once you get one, you’ll get the others. And then many more.

Sometimes relatable patterns occur in different disciplines, at seemingly unrelated places. Connecting the dots requires exposure to multiple disciplines. So read a lot and even beyond your course requirements.

Build Associations, Use Metaphors

You remember metaphors, analogies, idioms, similes and anecdotes. And use them frequently without consciously realising it. For eg. Genome Mapping gets the term ‘mapping’ from cartography, or Encapsulation from medicine capsules. If you can associate a technical term or concept with a metaphor or an analogy, you’re going to remember it longer. But the association must be natural and make sense.

Read Fast, Read More, Read Regular

When working out, you don’t develop an athletic body in a day or two. The muscles don’t show taking any form or defining lines until 2-3 weeks. The strength and bulge start getting into shape only after the first few weeks. Patience, Persistence and Perseverance result in Perfection. Same is with studies. If you think you can understand and learn in the first reading, then you are at loss. Most people can’t unless they have an eidetic (or photographic) memory.

Reading a chapter without understanding it is hard. We are trained to understand and then only move forward. Break this habit. And start reading textbooks casually. But read them fast and read them more than once. Just like a workout, initially the first few readings of the text won’t make any difference. Most likely your brain will become familiarized with the jargon. Once you have gone quite far in the text you’ll be able to make logical connections in the earlier chapters. This will automatically clear concepts of the later chapters.

Now you have started a chain reaction or virtuous cycle or a positive reinforcement. This is most applicable with subjects where numerical calculations are not the dominating factor but are part of the overall conversation or idea.

Make a Story

Some subjects like literature, history, civics, sociology, philosophy, etc. lend themselves easily to storytelling. Boring topics like which dynasty fought who over what issues can be made into a story that you can play like an animation in your mind. Complex ideas like social discrimination can also be made into stories in which all aspects are covered. At exam time you can recall the story and have a logically seamless answer ready in your mind and in words.

Build Mental Models

Mental models are rules of thumb, heuristics or unwritten rules that are developed as a result of generations of filtered knowledge. They are an explanation of your thought process about how something works.

This can be your unique model or can be someone else’s model. These can be simple idioms, or graphical representations. They are simple, flexible and act as an informational filter. For example, Newton’s 3rd law of Motion can help understand about Action-reaction in sociology or psychology as well. Or the concept of compound interest can be used to understand the spread of epidemics in the community.

No Learning Without Understanding

If you cram without understanding, then you can probably write better answers for direct question testing memory only. But if you understand a concept, then you are capable of not only that but additionally of indirect questions, trick questions, analytical questions and apply them as skills.

Revisit, Review, Retain

If you go to a new locality after a few months many things seem to have changed. They are unrecognizable. On the other hand, on your daily route to school you can almost ride the bike with your eyes closed! It is because you review and revisit and therefore retain. Some call it, mistakenly so, as muscle memory. But in reality, repeating something, revisiting it makes the neurological connections in the brain stronger. That is how habits are formed. Make reading a habit. It will not only help in studies, but also everywhere else.

Learn Holistically

Studying a topic in isolation does not help. You can’t create connections. You can’t relate to different things. You can’t have a framework of mental models. Understanding the whole will help understanding the part. Reading and studying different subjects also helps in broadening your vision.

Use All Your Senses

Of the five senses - vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste - the most used sense in studies is the vision. Touch does not matter, we don’t use it to input new information, only to hold the pen. If more than one sense is used, then the brain gets input for the same thing from multiple sources. Read aloud - your eyes and hearing both will be used. You’ll have better concentration as well. Mark important lines using different colours - hands and eyes. Colors are good stimuli. If possible, go and see the historical site you were reading about, or at least check it on YouTube. Make models of science of mathematical objects/ideas. Apply the principles and formulae on them. Draw and cut a right-triangle - measure it, apply the Pythagoras theorem on it. Use the sense of touch and vision to reinforce the concept.


Yes, that’s true! Teach to your siblings or cousins. Teach your friends. Simplify it as much as you can. Albert Einstein famously said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”. Remember to teach is to learn twice!

Take Breaks

Amid all the hacks for studying and doing things the most important thing is to take a break from everything. Every 30 to 45 minutes stop studying. Go for a walk. Lie down and close your eyes. Listen to music. Have a snack. Stretch your body and have water.


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