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The ABC of Success

Associate With The Best

When you join forces with the best you learn with them. The collective IQ of the team increases gradually. The collective outcomes of the team is much more than the sum of individual outcomes.

Be Prepared

When you plan ahead you can prepare. The plan should not only consider the rosy picture, but also provide for contingencies. The more you perspire in peace the less you bleed in war.

Cultivate Strong Work-culture

An ethical work-culture, where everyone is self-disciplined and self-motivated, is the best catalyst for growth. Professionalism is cultivated and everyone has to contribute towards it. Even if you are alone, maintain a professional attitude with clients and vendors.

Dedication To Goal

Perseverance or dedication to goal is the one that sets winners apart from losers. The famous tale of Tortoise and Hare, Slow And Steady Wins The Race, tells us that not the most skilled or the most talented person, but the most dedicated will stay focused and will reach the finish line.

Emotional Balance

Managing emotions, yours and others’, is the most important tool in your skillset. The biggest leaders in the world became larger than life because they were able to tap into the aspirations, dreams and desires of the masses.

Fairness in Decision

If you are fair in your decisions and choices, your clients, colleagues and contacts will have more and more faith in you. People will look up to you for fairness and your credibility will enhance with every passing day.

Gambling Is Not Business

Never speculate. Never put your money or future in a situation where you may have to compromise on your principles and aspirations. Business is taking calculated risks but not giving in to the frantic frenzy and impulses.

Hedge your Risks

Hedging means having cushion to save you from a disastrous fall. It can be a parachute or a harness in bungee jumping. In your work, additional skills, multiple income sources, regular savings and investments, and insurance are your hedge against possible contingencies.

Innovate Daily

Creative destruction is the process of innovating continually to dismantle long-standing practices. The famous FANG companies - Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google - have dedicated entire teams to disrupt their own best products. It’s better to have the next blockbuster from your own stable than from competition.

Justice for Society

Whatever you do, remember the talisman from Mahatma Gandhi - Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest person whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to that person. A prosperous and just society will result in stronger bottom lines.

Killer Instinct

The patience, focus, attention and energy of a cheetah when it is hunting its prey are impeccable. Same is the sight, focus and flight of the eagle when it dives to catch its food. They need the killer instinct to survive. You need this killer instinct to not only survive but to grow amid competition.

Listen to Advise

No one knows everything. Not even you! So seek advice and listen to it carefully. Develop your understanding to reason and ask relevant questions. Trust others to make decisions on your behalf, if you cannot.

Manage and Delegate

You are not omni-present. That’s impossible. So you cannot micromanage everything your team does. You cannot do their roles. Management requires delegation of authorities and responsibilities. Accountability comes with systems and transparency.

Nurture Talent

Being the best is good. Being surrounded by the best is better. Genius, talent and leaders can be nurtured. Start with a small group and give them simple responsibilities. Let them take decisions and back them. Give them constructive feedback and chances to improve.

Organize Your Calendar

If you forget last dates, miss deadlines, and don’t reach on time for an important meeting, then you symbolize a sloppy and irresponsible person. If your calendar is organized, you’ll never miss anything important or at least will be able to communicate about change in schedule.

Plan Your Finances

Cashflow, incomes, expenses, assets and credit - these all have the potential to make or mar your business or personal finances. If you remain oblivious to them then you are doing so at your own peril. Understand them, learn about them and manage them.

Question, Don’t Be A Yes-man

Never fear from asking the right questions. Even to authorities. When you ask questions you present a different view, a new perspective. You point out the flaws in the system, and help in making it better, stronger and robust. Great leaders never like yes-men around them

Rejuvenate Team Morale

A team may have their morale adversely affected due to any setbacks, or delays in getting desired results. A leader can rejuvenate the team morale by involving them in group activities, motivational speech, vacations and retraining programs.


Being systematic and organized makes things predictable. Everyone knows what to expect, how, when and where. Especially if a large team collaborates, not being systematic can cause huse delays, confusions and even misunderstanding.

Teams Win The Championships

Talent may win games, but to win championships only teamwork can help. Organizing a team with complimentary skills and motivating them to dedicate themselves to team goals is the work for a leader.

U Before I

If everyone in the team puts others - clients, colleagues, vendors - before their personal interests then the overall fraternity and respect for each other grows. Compassion and empathy will win hearts, loyalties and goodwill of all to whom it is shown.

Validate Your Claims

Never speak without being sure. Never make a claim you cannot back with evidence. Never make a commitment you cannot honour. A broken glass can be fixed, but there will always be a crack in it.

Window of Opportunity

When all doors close, a window opens. Opportunity knocks on the door of everyone. Those who are prepared can open the gate and shake hands with the opportunity. The window of opportunity is very slim and slides very fast - only agile can catch it.


Luck and chance play a very important role in success in career and business. Getting the right break, a good mentor, the perfect team are all variables that are beyond anyone’s control. So when you get them express gratitude and feel lucky.


Age is a number. There are 90 years young people who are excited about skydiving or learning salsa! Youthfulness is a state of mind - open, liberal, curious, excited, dreamer, and passionate. Never let the child in you go missing.


The exhilaration from being at the top of the Mt. Everest or landing on the Moon or reaching the South Pole is simply unmatched. They all represent the Zenith or the Peak or the ultimate height you can reach.

Aim High, Be Brave, and Reach the Zenith


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