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Showing posts with the label Communication

Top 10 Skills Employers Are Looking For

(Pic credit: FlexJobs ) The most important skills are those that are not easily replaceable. These are hard to find. Easy to miss. But their absence makes them all the more important. At the workplace. And in life. Most employers worth their salt look for these in prospective job-seekers. At entry level. At middle management. And most importantly at CXO levels. Oh, who needs them? Everyone. Especially when there are critical tasks. Tensions. Deadlines. And irate customers. Irritable clients. Not-so-easy-to-please officer. Or boss! It can be a frustrated employee. Or co-worker. Someone unwilling to learn. To retrain. Or simply refusing to follow the company policy. Without much ado, let’s dive straight into them. 1. Grooming What does one see when you first enter a room? Your persona . How you dress. Your hairstyle. Your shoes. The fragrance you wear. How you carry the files or the bag or the laptop. Good style never goes out of fashion . It’s what you appear outside, wi

What The Professor Has Taught Us!

(Pic credit: Netflix ) Keywords : Communication, Trust, Psychology, Teamwork, Leadership, Critical Thinking, The Professor, Money Heist Money Heist ( La casa de papel or ”The House of Paper” in Spanish) has now become a phenomenon in itself. The speed. The accuracy. The details. The precision. The planning. The thrill. The Ups and Downs. Emotions. Drama. Action. Car chase. Gun fights. Bank robbery. Romance. Failure. Success. Betrayal. Death. Prison. Friendship. Love. It has everything for everyone. This is one TV series made for Spanish viewers turned into an unstoppable phenomena when Netflix brought it to its global audience. This was one web-series that made many across the world buy Netflix subscriptions for the first time. It created its own fandom . Many of its characters were truly loved and adored by viewers across the world. They were relatable. Their traits were familiar. But most of all everyone loved especially one of the characters. The Professor . He is coy.